updated: 2022-01-23_12:32:31-05:00

updated: 2021-12-13_23:56:28-05:00

Databases: Overview

DB Project: Nihon-Go

Key terminology

  • Attributes are columns
  • Schema is a way of describing the attibutes and ID
  • Instance is a snapshot of the data at a given instant in time
  • Relation is a table (for data)
  • Key

Key A key is a single or combination of multiple fields. Its purpose is to access or retrieve data rows from table according to the requirement. The keys are defined in tables to access or sequence the stored data quickly and smoothly. They are also used to create links between different tables.

Types of Keys

Primary Key The attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies a row or record in a relation is known as primary key.

Secondary key A field or combination of fields that is basis for retrieval is known as secondary key. Secondary key is a non-unique field. One secondary key value may refer to many records.

Candidate Key or Alternate key A relation can have only one primary key. It may contain many fields or combination of fields that can be used as primary key. One field or combination of fields is used as primary key. The fields or combination of fields that are not used as primary key are known as candidate key or alternate key.

Composite key or concatenate key A primary key that consists of two or more attributes is known as composite key.

Sort Or control key A field or combination of fields that is used to physically sequence the stored data called sort key. It is also known s control key.

A superkey is a combination of attributes that can be uniquely used to identify a database record. A table might have many superkeys. Candidate keys are a special subset of superkeys that do not have any extraneous information in them.

Example for super key: Imagine a table with the fields <Name>, <Age>, <SSN> and <Phone Extension>. This table has many possible superkeys. Three of these are <SSN>, <Phone Extension, Name> and <SSN, Name>. Of those listed, only <SSN> is a candidate key, as the others contain information not necessary to uniquely identify records.

Foreign Key A foreign key is an attribute or combination of attribute in a relation whose value match a primary key in another relation. The table in which foreign key is created is called as dependent table. The table to which foreign key is refers is known as parent table.

Relational Algebra Operations

Equivalent Queries:

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SQL: SQL#Commands

Review Difficult Questions for HW 1 - Relational Algebra


Database Designs using the E-R Model

Two pitfalls: incompleteness/redundancy

Entity-Relationship Model

Normal Forms

Exam 1 Corrections

Various Subtopics


  • focus on these problems when designing databases to avoid these issues
  • Problems that occur when we try and cram too much information into a single relation:
  1. Redundancy: information may be repeated unnecessarily in several tuples
  2. Update: we may change info in one tuple but leave the same info unchanged in another
  3. Delete: If a set of values become empty, we may lose other information as a side-effect

Referential Integrity
Cascading deletions helps

Design Principals


  • The entity sets and their attributes should reflect reality
  • car -> make, model, color etc (should make sense)

Avoiding Redundancy

  • Extra copies of data, if not designed well, can cause updating anomalies


Choosing the right relationships

  • Should not add every possible relationship between entities to the design

Picking the right kind of elements

Conditions in which we prefer to use attribute instead:

Suppose E is an entity set. If E obeys the following conditions then we can replace E with an attribute:

  1. All relationships which E is involved in must have arrows entering E
    • ie: E must be the "one" in many>one relationships
  2. If E has more than one attribute, then no attribute depends on other attributes
    • ie: the only key for E is all its attributes
  3. No relationships involving E more than once

Referential Integrity

Converting E/R diagram to relational design

  1. Turn each entity set into a relation w/ same set of attributes
  2. Replace relationship by a relation whose attributes are keys for the connecting entities

Many to one relationship to relation

E -R-> F

  1. All attributes of E
  2. The key attributes of F
  3. Any attributes belonging to R

Functional Dependency

FD on a relation is a statement:

"if two tuples of R agree on all attributes A1-An (same values) then they must agree on all of another list of attributes B1-Bn"

This never happens
title,year -> length, genre, studioname
if title & year are the same among elements, the rest are too

Splitting/Combining Rule

FD: A1, A2... AN -> B1, B2... BM

x -> y
x functionally determines y

This functional dependencies can be split by M:
A1, A2... AN -> B1
A1, A2... AN -> B2
A1, A2... AN -> BM

  • equivalent to A1, A2... AN -> Bi for i = 1,2..M

You cannot split on the LHS

Trivial Functional Dependency

FD: A1,A2...An -> B1, B2 ... Bm
if B1, B2... $\subseteq$ A1, A2 ... An
then the above FD is called a trivial FD

  • RHS attributes of a trivial FD are a subset of LHS's attributes
  • title,year -> title
  • title -> title

Nontrivial Functional Dependency

A1 ... An -> C1 ... Ck

  • '*' is trivial attributes, '#' is non trivial attributes for b

Closure of Attributes, How to find Superkey

FD = { AB -> C
BC -> AD
D -> E
CF ->B

Splitting FD's

  1. Split when RHS has more than one element
    AB -> C
    BC -> A
    BC -> D
    D -> E
    CF -> B

  2. Add attributes that the function dependencies point to
    AB -> AB
    AB -> CDE

  • to do this, we put RHS on a list with LHS of closure we are testing (AB + C for first pass)
  • Then we do it again, adding any RHS where LHS is all elements on said list
  • if all attributes in relation are on list, FD we are testing is a key

Algorithm: Closure of a set of attributes

input: set of attributes {A1, A2.. An} and set of FD's S
output: the closure {A1, A2, ... An}+

  1. if necessary, split FD's in S so catch FD in S has a single attribute on RHS
  2. let x be a set of attributes that eventually will become closure
    • initialize x = {A1, A2, A3... An}
  3. Repeatedly search for some FD
    • B1, B2 ... Bm -> C
    • such that: all of B1 ... Bm are in x and c is not in x
    • then add c to x
  4. The set x after no more attributes can be added to it is the closure of {A1 ... An}+

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Another Example (might not record)

R = (A,B,C,D)
FD = {AB->C, C->D, D->A}
find all non-trivial FD that hold on R. Also find Super key and primary key

Only key track of non-trivial ones ..

{A}+ = {A}
{B}+ = {B}
{C}+ = {A C D}
C -> A
{D}+ = {D A}
{AB}+ = {A B C D}
AB -> D
{AC}+ = {A C D}
AC -> D
{AD}+ = {A D}
{BC}+ = {A B C D}
BC -> A
BC -> D
{BD}+ = {A B C D}
BD -> A
BD -> C
{CD}+ = {A C D}
CD -> A
{ABC}+ = {A B C D}
ABC -> D
{ACD}+ = {A C D}
{ABD}+ = {A B C D}
ABD -> C
{BCD}+ = {A B C D}
BCD -> A
{ABCD}+ = {A B C D}

Candidate Keys:

Transitive property


Inference Rules of FD


if $y\subseteq x$ then x -> y; trivial FD


if x -> y; xz -> yz; xz is x $\cup$ z


if x -> y and y -> z then x -> z


if x -> yz then x -> y and x -> z


if x -> y and x -> z then x -> yz


if x -> y and wy -> z then wx -> z

Equivalence of set of FD's

Two sets of FD's F and G are equivalent if:

  1. every FD in F can be inferred from G
  2. every FD in G can be inferred from F
  3. F$^+$ = G$^+$ ( )

minimal basis for a relation
minimal basis: correct set of FD's

  • the minimum number of FD's to describe a relation

Prime Attribute

F is the set of FD's, the minimal basis of F say F' is produced by removing extraneous attributes in F

Extraneous Attribute: An attribute is extraneous if we remove it without changing the closure of the set of dependencies..
e.g. F is a set of FDs
F = {x->A , , ...}
attribute y is extraneous if y $\subseteq$ x and {F-(x -> A)$\cup$ x-y -> A} => logically represent F

let x = {y,z,b,c}
if y is trivial...

yzbc -> A < remove this

add zbc -> A

How to find Minimal Basis for a given set of FDs


set of FDs: E


minimal of E


  1. set F = E
  2. replace each FD (x -> A1...An) in F by applying decomposition/splitting rule
    (x -> A1, x -> A2, ... x -> An)
  3. for each FD (x -> A) in F
    for each attribute B that is an element of x
    if { {F - ( x -> A)} $\cup$ x-B -> A} is equivalent to E,
    then replace x -> A with x-B -> A in F
  4. For each remaining FD's x -> A in F
    if F - {x -> A} is equivalent to F
    then remove x -> A from F

Example: E = {B -> A, D -> A, AB -> D}

No more than one attribute on RHS.
Jump to step 3

Find FD that has more than one on LHS

AB -> D
find if there are any extraneous attributes

B -> A by augmentation rule
BB -> AB
B -> AB

use transitive rule w/ AB -> D
B -> D
is A extraneous? yes.

Now remove A: E = {B -> A, D -> A, B -> D}
from this we can see that B -> A is redundant (implied by transitivity)

E = {B -> D, D -> A}

Notes for 11/4

Normalization: decomposing the table to fit normal forms

Guidelines for good scheme design

create table Employee(ename,ssn,bdate, address, dnumber);  
create table Department(dname, etc etc);  
create table Dept_loc(...);  
create table project(...);  
create table workson(...);  

Spurious tuples:
like teaches X instructor
probably only one row is meaningful, and the rest are pointless

  1. each tuple in relation should represent only one entity
    • if we were doing one for a company, we might group things by employee, department etc..
    • big example
    • if there are 100 ppl working for billing, then we will need to update all 100 roles when changing something for department
  2. Design a schema that does not suffer from insertion, deletion, and update anomalies
  3. Relations should be designed such that their tuples will have as few NULL values as possible
    • Attributes that are NULL frequently might be better in a separate table
  4. The relations should be designed to satisfy lossless join
    • the lossless join property is used to guarantee meaningful results for join operations
    • no spurious tuples should be generated by doing a natural join of any relations

Exam: ER Diagrams, coming up with relation schema, 3rd chapter completely (open book)
We have done chapters up to 6
ER model chapter 4
Normal Forms chapter 3

Constraints and Triggers

How do we use Constraints in SQL?

Tuple Constraints: constraints on values
Foreign key Constraint: (Referential constraint)

Referential Integrity

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To add a tuple into instructor table the department name must be unique and present in department table
How do we tell SQL about this limitation?

REFERENCES <table>(<attributes>);  
	name char(30) PRIMARY KEY,  
	address varchar(255),  
	Presc# int REFERENCES MovieExec(cert#)  
	name char(30) PRIMARY KEY,  
	address varchar(255),  
	Presc# int,  
	FOREIGN KEY(Presc#) REFERENCES MovieExec(cert#)  

Referential Integrity: What do you do if a value is null, deleted, or updated?

  1. Default policy
  2. Cascade policy (you have to manually specify this to get it to do it)
  3. Set null policy (specifically say what happens to null values)
	name char(30) PRIMARY KEY,  
	address varchar(255),  
	Presc# int,  
	FOREIGN KEY(Presc#) REFERENCES MovieExec(cert#),  

Constraints on Attributes and Tuples

(attribute not null)

	name char(30) PRIMARY KEY,  
	address varchar(255) NOT NULL,  
	Presc# int  

(tuple at least 6 digits)

	name char(30) PRIMARY KEY,  
	address varchar(255),  
	Presc# int CHECK (Presc#>100000)  

Consistency Condition

Modifying Constraints: Needs to be named first!

	name char(30) CONSTRAINT NameIsKey PRIMARY KEY,  
	address varchar(255),  
	Presc# int  
ALTER TABLE Moviestar DROP CONSTRAINT CorrectTitle; // Add, check also ok  


Boolean valued SQL Expressions which must be true at all times!


A series of actions that are associate with certain events

create table MovieExec(name,address,cert#,networth); // pseudo code  
CREATE TRIGGER NetWorthTrigger  
	AFTER UPDATE of networth ON MovieExec  
		OLD ROW as OLDTuple  
		NEW ROW as NewTuple  
	WHEN (OLDTuple.networth > NewTuple.networth)  
		UPDATE MovieExec  
		SET networth = OldTuple.networth  
		WHERE cert# = NewTuple.cert#;  

Constraints only go in the create table segment
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